Friday 12 October 2012

Escape quotes

Chapter 13-"I'd feel I ought to sock the guy in the jaw or something - break his god dam jaw. Only I would have the guts to do it." "I'd leave his room without taking a sock at him"
Chapter- 14 "when I did, started talking , sort if loud, to allie. I do that sometimes when I get depressed" page107
"I'd plug him anyway. Six shots right through his fat hairy belly....." Page 113
Chapter 15 "I got a can outside the hotel, but didn't have the faintest damn idea where I was going" page 116
Chapter 16 "Certain things should stay the way they are" page 132
Chapter 17 "did you ever get fed up?' I said. 'I mean Did you ever get scared that everything was going to go lousy unless you did something? I mean do you like school, and all that stuff?'" Page 140
"Your probably the only reason I'm in New York right now, or anywhere. If you weren't around if probably be someplace way the hell off" page 141
End of page 142-143

Thursday 27 September 2012

The catcher in the rye - Chapter 9

As soon as holden gets off the train in New York in Chapter 9, Holden wants to call someone and seems especially to want to call Jane, but he is apparently too nervous ,he claims not to “feel like it” and runs through a long list of people he could contact instead but then he remembers he's not supposed to call anyone until they know he's been expelled.
It seems like He has a obsession in ducks. His obsession with the ducks in Central Park, which he first mentioned when he was back at old Mr. Spencer's house, comes up again. He asks the cabbie, "'You know those ducks in that lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake? By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over? Do you happen to know, by any chance?'" Chapter 9, pg. 60 and the driver just ignores him.
Holden is feeling depressed and Te hotel doesn't seem to cheer him up as The bellboy is an old man with a comb-over, "a gorgeous job for a guy around sixty-five years old." (pg. 61)
Once he is in the hotel room Holden decides to call Faith Cavendish, a woman a guy from Princeton said "didn't mind doing it once in a while...." (pg. 63) She's angry to be bugged by a stranger in the middle of the night, but warms up after a bit. She wont agree to have drinks with him that night and Holden, who needs some instant satisfaction more than anything else, turns down her offer to meet for drinks the next day. Holden instantly regrets turning her down. And this is where the chapter ends.

Thursday 13 September 2012

The Catcher in the Rye - Chapter one

The book beings with "If you really want to hear about it" From this I got the feeling that we might get a lot of attitude from the narrator. You also get a lot of negative language used in the first chapter as "Holden" as he hates a lot of things like "movies" and "phonies".
When he mentions that he "grew six and a half inches" and "practically got t.b" and "came out here for all these goddamn checkups and stuff" we get the feeling that he is in some kind of hospital as everything he is telling us was in the past... This Chapter makes us wonder about what is going to happen in the book.
At the end of the chapter he goes into Mr Spencers' room and gets greeted by Mrs Spencer which leaves us thinking who Mr and Mr's Spencer are.
Look forward to reading the second chapter! :D :)